■Good Practice

Good practices among schools abroad that participated in Artmile International Collaborative Learning (AICL) 2019.

<Elementary School>
2019AICL_Report (Belarus_Gymnasium No.33, Minsk)
 [Theme] Dream and Future Connected by Life  (SDGs13)

2019AICL_Report (Lithuania_Klaipeda Simon Dach Progymnasium)
 [Theme] Protection of the oceans and all kinds of seas. (SDGs2, 4, 14)

2019AICL_Report (Taiwan_Wen Ya Elementary School)
 [Theme] Mother Earth and the Guardians (SDGs6,11)

<Junior High School>
2019AICL_Report (India_The Global Edge School)
 [Theme] An Ideal Society in 2030 (SDGs5, 11, 13, 16, 17)

2019AICL_Report (Romania_Liceul de Arte Plastice Timisoara)
 [Theme] Love our nature, love our Earth, love ourselves! (SDGs13, 14)

2019AICL_Report (Spain_IES Belen)
 [Theme] Clean and sustainable energy benefits life under water:
               the health of the planet is in our hands (SDGs7, 14)

<High School>
2019AICL_Report (Pakistan_Modernage Public School & College (Girls))
 [Theme] Be Nice, Save the Ice (SDGs13, 14)

2019AICL_Report (Saudi Arabia_Al Hussan International School Khobar)
 [Theme] Gender Equality and Development of Sustainable Cities (SDGs5, 11)

2019AICL_Report (USA_Marlboro High School)
 [Theme] To reduce inequalities around the world (SDGs10)

■Participants from Abroad

Reports of all schools abroad that participated in AICL 2019.

Elementary Schools

2019AICL_Report(Australia_Hillman Primary School)

2019AICL_Report(Azerbaijan_Baku European Lyceum)

2019AICL_Report(Belarus_Gymnasium No.33, Minsk)

2019AICL_Report(Belize_San Marcos RC School)

2019AICL_Report(Canada_Bridgewood Public School)


2019AICL_Report(France_Groupe Scolaire Carlepont)

2019AICL_Report(Greece_13th Primary School of Polichni, Thessaloniki)

2019AICL_Report(Iraq_Al-Qiyem Primary Private School)

2019AICL_Report(Lithuania_Klaipeda Simon Dach Progymnasium)

2019AICL_Report(Nepal_Mount View English Boarding School)

2019AICL_Report(Oman_Shumoo’a Al-Marifa BE School(1-4))

2019AICL_Report(Peru_Colegio La Union)

<Solomon Islands>
2019AICL_Report(Solomon Islands_Burns Creek Adventist Primary School)

2019AICL_Report(Taiwan_Wen Ya Elementary School)

2019AICL_Report(Turkey_Emine Ornek School)

2019AICL_Report(Uganda_Kasangula Talent School)

Junior High Schools

2019AICL_Report(Argentina_EES 108 Dr. Danilo Luis Baroni)

2019AICL_Report(Bulgaria_18. School “William Gladstone “)

2019AICL_Report(Croatia_Privatna Sportska I Jezicna Gimnazija Franjo Bucar)

<Czech Republic>
2019AICL_Report(Czech Republic_Gymnazium Na Prazacce)

2019AICL_Report(Estonia_Tamsalu Gymnasium)

2019AICL_Report(Germany_Bonn International School)

2019AICL_Report(Ghana_Shama Model DA JHS)

2019AICL_Report(India_The Global Edge School)

2019AICL_Report(Kenya_Bumira Secondary School)

2019AICL_Report(Lebanon_Urguay Public Mixed School-Achrafieh 1)

2019AICL_Report(Malta_St Ignatius College Handaq Middle School)

2019AICL_Report(Mozambique_Escola Secundaria de Nkobe)

2019AICL_Report(Myanmar_B.E.H.S (2) Sanchaung)

2019AICL_Report(Romania_Liceul de Arte Plastice Timisoara)

2019AICL_Report(Russia_Boarding School for children with visual impairment)

2019AICL_Report(Spain_IES Belen)

2019AICL_Report(Timor-Leste_Escola Basica Central Farol)

Senior High Schools

2019AICL_Report(Armenia_Yerevan N198 High School)

2019AICL_Report(France_Le Likes)

2019AICL_Report(Italy_Istituto Superiore Gandhi)

2019AICL_Report(Latvia_Talsi State Gymnasium)

2019AICL_Report(Madagascar_Lycee Ambatolampy)

2019AICL_Report(Mauritania_SOS URGENCE)

2019AICL_Report(Pakistan_Modernage Public School & College (Girls))

2019AICL_Report(Panama_Colegio Benigno Tomás Argote)

2019AICL_Report(Portugal_Escola Artistica de Soares dos Reis)

<Saudi Arabia>
2019AICL_Report(Saudi Arabia_Al Hussan International School Khobar)

2019AICL_Report(Slovakia_Secondary School of Scenic Art)

2019AICL_Report(Tonga_Tonga High School)

2019AICL_Report(USA_Marlboro High School)  


2019AICL_Report(Mexico_Universidad Veracruzana)