EFFECT of learning
In the Artmile International Collaborative Learning (AICL), learners learn together with their partners abroad about global issues, discover common challenges while relating their own region to the world, find the solutions, and take actions for their own sustainable future. They will gain confidence that they can do something to make their future better with peers in the world.
Abilities acquired by AICL
1. Cross-cultural understanding
Understand and respect different values by meeting diverse cultures.
Deepen understanding of their own culture by explaining it to their partner abroad.
2. Active learning
Think about global challenges in the world independently.
Encourage their partners and activate the interactive learning.
3. Critical thinking
Develop objective and critical thinking by viewing from outside.
4. Collaborating with different people
Learn collaboratively on global issues with the partners.
Create a new value in cooperation with them.
5. Expressing in words, in shape
Enhance the ability of expressing their thoughts in words and in pictures.
VOICES from participants
Participants have reported effects of the learning. Here are voices from some of them.
- Students have realized that their future world depends on their activities and consciousness and have improved their critical thinking on the matter. (Belarus)
- The planned collaborative learning has given students access to rights and duties as well as responsibilities, to achieve global citizenship. (France)
- The collaborative learning was implemented under the COVID-19 pandemic, biggest crisis humanity has faced, and the students had to think of ways to surmount the problems needed a lot of out of the box thinking, creative problem solving. Finally, they learnt soft skills of communication, research, critical thinking, problem solving owing to the well-organized curriculum and support from JAM. (India)
- This activity or project helped the students to develop communication skills, work collaboratively, build friendship, do research on the topic, and develop information technology skills and learnt art of appreciation and reflection. (Pakistan)
- The students gained knowledge about the climate emergency we are facing today. They practiced researching the topic, discussing it, sharing information on the forum, transforming what they have learned in visual images, working as a team. They developed communication ability, information literacy, critical thinking and expression ability. (Romania)
- Students learned to have what they learn in the textbook into practice and got willing to work with others to solve local issues in connection with global issues. (Taiwan)
- Students got more willing to learn and share their ideas about global news and they were positively involved in discussion about what is happening around the world and what they can do to make the world better. (Taiwan)