Participating schools in AICL 2019 (Artmile International Collaborative Learning) from throughout the world started the project with their students’ self-introductions in June. They are sharing the information with their partners on the online forum JAM has provided for each paired schools. Here are members of some schools who are excited about future collaborative learning.
【ブータン】Buhtan: Lungtenphu Middle Secondary School
【ミャンマー】Myanmar: B.E.H.S (2) SANCHAUNG
【東ティモール】Timor-Leste: Escola Basica Central Farol
- 【ブータン】Buhtan: Lungtenphu Middle Secondary School
- 【ミャンマー】Myanmar: B.E.H.S (2) SANCHAUNG
- 【東ティモール】Timor-Leste: Escola Basica Central Farol
【マレーシア】Malaysia: The Malay College Kuala Kangsar
【マーシャル諸島】Marshall Islands: Delap Elementary School
【ソロモン諸島】Solomon Islands: Burns Creek Adventist Primary School
- 【マレーシア】Malaysia: The Malay College Kuala Kangsar
- 【マーシャル諸島】Marshall Islands: Delap Elementary School
- 【ソロモン諸島】Solomon Islands: Burns Creek Adventist Primary School
【モザンビーグ】Mozambique: Escola Secundaria de Nkobe
【ケニア】Kenya: Bumira Secondary School
【ウガンダ】Uganda: Kasangula Talent School
- 【モザンビーグ】Mozambique: Escola Secundaria de Nkobe
- 【ケニア】Kenya: Bumira Secondary School
- 【ウガンダ】Uganda: Kasangula Talent School